Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What helps a women to stay fresh were her vagina is?

What helps a women to stay fresh were her vagina is?
Washing regularly and feminine wipes after using the WC. Feminine deodorants should be avoided as they can cause irritation.
eat lots of basil, lemon, and pineapple... STAY AWAY from pork and eggs! wash often with mild soap and cool water. dry before putting panties on!
just to add on to the information above, water is a must...the amount you take in can play a major role in your health overall
feminine deodorant spray and wipes! oh yes, they do the trick...
Good hygiene.
good hygiene for one. do not douche because it takes away all of your natural flora. stay away from sprays, scented wipes etc... for these just cover up the odor not take it away. eat fruits and easy on the garlic. cotton panties are the best to wear and don't be self-conscience, it probably doesn't smell that bad anyway.
Soap and water, lots of rinsing with water in between.

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