Saturday, October 23, 2010

What exercise can you do to make you vagina tight?

What exercise can you do to make you vagina tight?
Kegel excercises tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor. To identify the muscles, sqeeze like you're stopping the flow if you're urinating. Hold for a count of 10, then stop for a count of 10. Do this 10 times, three times a day.
If a woman decides to do Kegel exercises, it is recommended that she do at least five in a row, several times a day:
Tighten muscles a little and hold for five seconds.
Tighten a little more and hold for five seconds more.
Tighten as much as possible and hold for another five seconds.
Relax the muscles in reverse steps, holding five seconds at each step.
hey! I think a lot of exercises are there which help ur vagina to remain tight, many abdominal exercises help. u can check out any fitness site or instructor and they might help u. also previously pregnant ladies do this after their pregnancies to keep them in shape!
Kegel exercises don't tighten the vagina, but they tighten the muscles to either side of the vagina, muscles that run from the front of the pelvis to the back, in all mammals.
This is the same muscle group that allows a dog to wag it's tail, and help a man with ejaculatory control.
You'll find lots of legitimate sites on the Internet that explain what they are and how they're done.
Kegel exercises and there are is also a surgery called vaginoplasty which rejuvenates and tightens vaginal muscles.

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