Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What happens if you lose a placebo birthcontrol pill?

the green one you take during your period.What happens if you lose a placebo birthcontrol pill?
Nothin. You are fine. Just skip it that day. It is juts there to help you remember to take the pill everyday, you know so you don't get out of the routine
Placebo means fake. It's a sugar pill. you don't even have to take them. I never did.
yeah i never take those pills, they are just so that you dont get out of the habit of taking the pills basically.
Then, you could have a phantom pregnancy.
Absolutely nothing! They are sugar pills and are only included for people who like to keep taking pills at the regular time so they don't forget. In fact, you don't have to take them at all if you don't want to (I never did). Just be sure you start the hormone pills on the proper day (as if you had taken one placebo pill each day).
Nothing. The green pills are inactive. You only take them so you don't get out of the habit of taking a pill at the same time everyday. I never take my green pills and I've been on the pill for years.
you get placebo pregnant. Seriously nothing happens. But don't loose the real ones or you get a little surprise nine months later

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