Saturday, October 23, 2010

What does taint mean?

What does taint mean?
Use the link below to look it up...and put it in your favorites...comes in very handy when you need to look up words.
its the area of skin between the pooper and the cooter
To discolor
taint·ed , taint·ing , taints
To affect with or as if with a disease.
To affect with decay or putrefaction; spoil. See Synonyms at contaminate.
To corrupt morally.
To affect with a tinge of something reprehensible.
To become affected with decay or putrefaction; spoil.
A moral defect considered as a stain or spot. See Synonyms at stain.
An infecting touch, influence, or tinge.
taint means in the slang it ain't. also in the vernacular of crude people it refers to the area between a womans vagina and her anus.
- a trace of something bad, offensive, or harmful.
- a trace of infection, contamination, or the like.
- a trace of dishonor or discredit.
- Obsolete. color; tint.
If you are referring to the "taint" on the human body it is the area between the anus and genitalia.
Taint is used for the area between the vaginal area and the rectum. Its not a professional term. Its an old joke, referring to the area (perinium), IT TAINT YOUR BUTTHOLE OR YOUR VAGINA. Its used to reference the area between the location between the vaginal area and the rectum. Like I said not a professional term, a long running joke.

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